Communications and Publications
Communication is the key to a great business. With NWPPA’s ready communication resources, members of our community gain understanding of the dynamic world of our business, learn from other leaders in the industry, meet other members, and gain the resources they need to make their business thrive.
NWPPA provides a wide range of communication mediums that serve our members, wherever they may be in the business.
Excellence in Communication Awards Competition
Everyone needs positive feedback, and NWPPA provides it every year with this widely heralded awards competition. Utility members are recognized for their great work in a range of communication venues in a fun and spirited environment. The Call for Entries brochure explains how to enter your favorite communication pieces, the different categories, and past winners.
Association News Releases
We’re your Association. Want to know what’s keeping us busy, what we’ve accomplished, and how we’re helping our members succeed? The Association News Releases keeps members informed of NWPPA activities, awards, and more.

The Line – Weekly email newsletter
NWPPA’s The Line is a weekly, digital newsletter that provides links for you to follow for full story details. Quick easy-to-digest information allows you to take the temperature of our industry without eating up your day!Subscription is free to members.

Bulletin – NWPPA’s monthly magazine
NWPPA’s Bulletin provides the accurate and timely information your business needs to thrive in two formats (print and digital) that our members love. Join our community to enjoy best practice stories, technology columns, news features, industry job listings and more within this comprehensive resource for the electric power industry.Subscription is free to members.

Northwest Electric Utility Directory
This annual, 148-page resource guide contains critical information about our community members, including Western electric utilities, associations, associate member businesses, Congressional delegates, and government agencies. With detailed information in a comprehensive format, the Northwest Electric Utility Directory is absolutely pivotal for staying abreast of all the personalities and players in our industry.Subscription is free to members.

Utility Surveys
NWPPA conducts three utility specific surveys for members in alternating years: General Managers Wage & Compensation Survey; Directors, Commissioners, and other Elected Officials Compensation; and Linecrew Pay & Benefits Survey. Results are published in aggregate. All survey information is kept confidential and may only be accessed by NWPPA utility member general managers and HR senior management.Contact us at to learn how your organization can participate in the surveys, and for access to survey reports.
Meet the Communications Team

Brenda Dunn
Chief Experience Officer

Mark Woodward
Senior Graphic Designer

Nina Rydalch
Communications Specialist