News from The LINE

NWPPA Welcomes Glacier Electric Cooperative as Newest Member

(April 11) We are excited to announce that Glacier Electric Cooperative has joined NWPPA as our newest utility member! Glacier Electric...


Rollie Miller Leaves a Lasting Impact on Vigilante Electric

(April 11) Rollie Miller has retired after nearly 45 years in the electric utility industry and 11 years as Vigilante Electric Cooperative’s general manager...

We Remember: John Irwin

John Dennis Irwin, longtime board member for Elmhurst Mutual Power & Light, passed away March 3, 2024, at 82. Irwin was born Nov. 7, 1941. He spent most of his career as a journeyman...

Upcoming Events

Upcoming NWPPA Conferences


Northwest Innovations in Communications Conference

September 16-19, 2024, in Boise, Idaho

3 C’s Conference

October 8-10, 2024, in Reno, Nev.

Labor and Employee Relations Conference

October 22-24, 2024, in Cle Elum, Wash.

Alaska Electric Utility Conference

November 18-21, 2024, in Anchorage, Alaska

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Learning On Demand

Take these short trainings at your own pace and convenience, return to them as often as you wish.

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More Powerful Together

A collection of materials that utilities can use to engage consumers in the value and importance of public power.

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Training and Event Catalog

Updated on a bi-monthly basis, the training catalog offers a comprehensive list of all the training and events offered by NWPPA.

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Certificate Programs

These certificate programs are designed to enhance and certify your skills as a professional in the utility industry.