FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 16, 2016
Vancouver, Wash. – The Northwest Public Power Association’s (NWPPA) 2016 Northwest Communications & Energy Innovations Planning Committee has selected Tillamook PUD’s Barbara Johnson as this year’s winner of the Lacy Peoples Award for her lifetime commitment to the public power industry and remarkable work in the areas of marketing and communication. The award was presented to Johnson on Tuesday, September 13, at NWPPA’s Northwest Communications & Energy Innovations Conference (NIC) awards banquet at the DoubleTree Hotel in Missoula, Mont.
Johnson has been in the public power business since 1992 when she joined Tillamook PUD (Ore.) as a part-time receptionist. Her leadership and communication skills helped elevate her to the position of public relations manager in 2006, the position she holds today. She also represents her utility well in her community, serving on the boards of organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce and Greater United Way.
In the industry, she has served on the Ruralite Publications Committee since 2008 and received Ruralite’s Communicator of the Year in 2003. Ruralite Editor Mike Teegarden said, “She is always such a pro. Nothing seems to rattle her and her smile never fades. Her service on Ruralite’s Publications Committee has helped us shape our message as well with her thoughtful input.”
In 2001, she chaired the NIC and recently her team has garnered several Excellence in Communication awards for their website, brochures, and pamphlets.
First given to Lacy Peoples of Cowlitz PUD at the Consumer Services/Communications Conference in 1978, the award is now presented to recipients at the annual NIC. Current or former employees of NWPPA member utilities are eligible to receive this award. The NIC Planning Committee selects recipients based on accomplishments through at least 10 years of marketing and communication experience; at least 20 years of service to the industry; and promotion of public power through efforts such as community service and energy efficiency. Recent Lacy Peoples Award winners include Larry Owens of Silicon Valley Power (2015), Teresa Lackey of Midstate Electric Cooperative (2014), and Phil Steyer of Chugach Electric Association (2012).